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      Sentry 2 Drawer File Cabinet
      posted by Neil Stratton

      1/2 hour fire rated file cabinet
      8053 Good $150.00 Tue June 1, 2010 2:57pm
      AMSEC 1 Hour Fireproof
      posted by Neil Stratton

      This is a 1 Hour Fire Rated safe manufactured from AMSEC. This safe has a dent in the left front corner caused by freight damage.
      7616 Fair $100.00 Tue June 1, 2010 12:18pm
      Phoenix 2 Hour Media Safe Model 2003
      posted by Neil Stratton

      This is a 2003 model 2 hour Phoenix media safe. Brackets were welded to the base to provide theft resistance for bolting down.
      6591 Good $1,200.00 Tue June 1, 2010 2:49pm
      Phoenix 4 Drawer Fireproof File Cabinet
      posted by Neil Stratton

      Fireproof file cabinets are an ideal safe for protection of documents. This item is a showroom model, which is why it is being sold as used.
      3682 Good $1,200.00 Tue June 1, 2010 2:43pm

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